Sample Booklet Colorbond 15 page A4


15 page Colorbond sample range in an A4 size bound book.

The book consists of the following Colours;

  1. Monument

  2. Shale Grey

  3. Surfmist

  4. Basalt

  5. Dune

  6. Woodland Grey

  7. Windspray

  8. Cove

  9. Wallaby

  10. Mangrove

  11. Jasper

  12. Paperbark

  13. Ironstone

  14. Gully

  15. Evening Haze 

These books are perfect for painters, interior designers and colour consultants wanting to offer a large selection of colour choices to their clients. 

And like all Big Paint Sample products, these booklet pages are painted with 2 coats of genuine paint, to give the truest colour representation.